Wednesday, 11 October 2017


In order to develop a strong portfolio in which explores multiple strengths, a variety of briefs and outcomes have been highlighted. This in turn making the portfolio more desirable to future employers.

Eight brief descriptions have been outlined within the initial plan as these may be subject to variation. Each brief will be re-written in full before completion. This is to ensure that each project is focused. Two more briefs may be completed for extending practice, this is subject to time management. These briefs will most likely be developed from opportunities in which arise through the year.

When deciding upon which brief will be completed first,  time management became a key factor, and thus a schedule has been put into place. As my placement has not yet been confirmed this is not applied to the schedule.

The above plan (please excuse the poor design) outlines the 8 stated briefs. A variety of project times have been explored in order to promote 4 week, 6 week, and day briefs. A 'free' month has been left before the deadline in order to ensure that I have appropriate time for the other two briefs. This will also allow flexibility with other modules as well as allowing for my placement. 

As it is difficult to plan collaborations, the collaborative project with Amy Butters will be the first project in which will be undergone. This therefore ensuring that I gain an off course collaboration. After this brief has been completed I will attempt to schedule Calums or Jens collab, if this is not possible then the my own personal YCN brief will be undertaken. Once my collaborative project dates are confirmed, I will then be able to list which briefs will be undertaken at what point during the following year, ensuring that my time is managed effectively. 

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