Monday 29 January 2018

Issues with digital print

When attempting to print a final copy myself and Erin found some rather limiting restrictions. Firstly it was discovered that if the publication was to be printed in the universities digital print each publication would cost around £7, this not making the magazine more expensive for the consumer. As the 18-25 year old demographic does not have a disposable income cheaper methods were also considered.

When developing the mock up (using digital print) it was discovered that the double sided printer was broken, in turn making the quality of the magazine weak. The inks used also did not promote the bright colour palette and did not justice for Erins photographs. As the final piece is to be presented as part of her portfolio we decided that we would get the final piece professional printed.

Uncut down variation (the final would appear much more proffesional)

Large white creases (as there is not a sufficent creasing machiene available) 

Some of the images appeared grainy, making the overal quality of the publication weak. 

Above are four examples of the issues with the printer and the effects in which it was having on the coloured background.

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