Tuesday 30 January 2018

Absurd Magazine Collaboration

In terms of Erin as a collaboration parter she was efficient, fast passed and very enthusiastic. She allowed myself creative freedom whilst suggesting ideas and design styles in which she enjoys.

The content needed was efficiently given (on time) through google drive files. The only issue really found was that as the images were tifs they were difficult to export/upload to drive. Other issues faced included that of update issues with software as the University computers do not contain the latest version of InDesign.

Cost was even, a factor in which widely differed from my Herbivore collaboration. This meaning that the total spend for this brief was around £22.

When thinking about this collaboration compared to the previous it was far more efficient, easy going and the final outcome is preferred. Erin was a massive aid throughout the project and helped rather than complicated the brief. Her time management was also excellent.

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