Wednesday 10 January 2018

Drawings (front cover)

In conjunction with the magazines aesthetic, a range of sketches were devised in which attempt to promote the publication to the consumer, whilst also envisioning Erin's photography.

Scale was widely explored with, although larger images seemed to appear more in keeping with the publication. The nature of the photography on a large scale would also create impact, due to the formatting of the images themselves. This, in turn, engaging the consumer from the initial point of contact.

In hierarchical terms, the title is the most important with the image embedding the context. As a result of this a range of compositions were explored, all of which attempt to highlight the masthead.

When discussing the drawings with Erin she suggested as there was an image already selected for the front cover the type arrangements should be explored digitally. She also went on to suggest that the larger the image the more impactful it will be.

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