Monday 29 January 2018

Final Spreads

The final spreads use hierarchy as a key tool in order to create balance and engage the consumer. This being specifically impactful with the 'labelling' of protagonists. These labels have been devised in order to promote the stereotypical associations made by society in turn developing a rhetoric of mimicry.

Another key design trait repeated throughout is that of a loose grid system. The grid system instantly adds structure to the design promoting legibility. Although the general structure is used, the grid system is sometimes broken, challenging the idea of 'breaking the norm'. In turn embedding the written concepts within the design structure.

Yellow has been used throughout in order to promote a neutral, strong colour palette in which install engages the consumer. As yellow is highly popular within contemporary design this is also highly relevant.

In relation to the feedback given by my peers it is evident that the final outcome is a niche publication as not all would want to be associated with the traditionally taboo topic. Therefore a peer suggested that the final outcome should be presented carefully within my portfolio. I somewhat disagreed with this comment and felt that I wouldn't want to work for a company in which discriminates and therefore will keep it in my portfolio.

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