Thursday 11 January 2018

CAD Mock ups of front cover

Below the best examples have been outlined in which showcase the title and photography most effectively. 

Using the negative space at the top of the photograph, the title balances the image. The placement of the protagonists hands seems to somewhat uplift the title, making it a key focal point of the page. 

By placing the text over the body it allows for the negative space to be present at the top of the page. As Vignelli frequently states that negative space is important within book design this has been largely considered. 

Placing the text over the body and face relates to the content of the publication, as LGBTQ members are often forced to conceal their true feelings and beliefs. Although this is effective at promoting the context of the publication, it reduces the impact of Erin's photography and therefore a key aim of the publication would be lost. 

When discussing the covers with Erin she suggested that the first was her favourite, although she wanted the text to have a black boarder. I was unsure about this, although it was decided that it would give the title hierarchal presence over the page.

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