Thursday, 23 February 2017

Deciding on a brief

When thinking about the range of different briefs available to us, it was evident that a short list needed to be derived in order to develop a brief in which will highlight our skills most effectively. The briefs in which we believed to be most effective have been highlighted below.


Create an amazing piece of content that ‘James’ will want to watch

Greenall's Gin

Design a piece of creative that brings to life a classic British moment in a contemporary way


Conceptualise, design and deliver a THINK! road safety campaign to encourage young men to drive more safely

Thirsty Planet

Create a campaign to raise awareness of Thirsty Planet spring water – make enjoying healthy hydration, whilst also doing good, ‘cool’

When discussing our skill set in terms of the brief, it became apparent that Megan didn't want to complete an animation due to the vast amount of time it takes to develop a short. As a result of this it was decided that she could be the primary illustrator of the group. When thinking about both mine and Dom's roles it was evident that our design skills were malleable, and we would decide between ourselves after selecting the brief.  

When thinking about which brief to develop further I had a personal preference to THINK, although the other members prefered thirsty planet. As a result of this I compromised, asI felt that the thirsty planet brief could be successful amongst us.  

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