Monday, 13 February 2017

Tree approach

Although I am not the strongest illustator I wanted to develop an approach in which felt personal, and expressed the commitment, effort and agravation of Tom's trial. By developing an illustation, this explores a method in which was highly popular for book cover design of the time, as well as highlighting a detailed approach. 

Initially really simple two second sketches were developed in order to dictate the movement within the trees, and whether to incorporate a full tree or just a section. From completing this task it was decided that the twisted tree branches apprearded the strongest. The sentiment behind this is that the twisted nature of the branches symbolise the biblical 'tree of knowledge of good and evil'. Within both christianity and judaism consuimg the fruit off the tree of knowledge was the original sin commited by eve. In refrence to this within modern day history it is evident that the passing of the sin through eve was that of unequality, as it suggests women are weaker and most likely to commit a sin. When relating this to the novel, Tom has been acused of the crime as a result of unbias and thus these themes relate although in diffrent contexts. It was also decided that tree branches should be used rather than an entire tree so that multiple details may be expressed, rather than a full tree in which is less detailed. From this further imagery was developed.

Illustations were then developed in which focus upon the twisted nature of branch leaves. Three mediums were explored with: charcol, fine liner and ink. The approach in which I deemed the strongest was that of the ink, as it allowed for a rough yet detailed approach. The running of the ink also allowed for extra details to appear apparent. From this the designs were then scanned and manipulated through CAD.

The first approach involved the cutting out of the tree from the surrounding paper, and placing within a book format alongside type. The colour balance was altered in order to give a red undertone, one in which was to resmble that of death within the novel. When asking my peers about this design they suggested that the typography needed to be altered alongside the undertone as it cheapened the design. It was also suggested that composition should be played with in order to force the tree's to surround the text, forcing it to appear 'segregated'.

Taking the feedback on board the typography was explored with. In order to add a clasical aspect to the books design the word mockingbird was kept all in lowercase, this refres back to the original novel but also the naviety/innocence of a mockingbird. The type was also altered in order to formulate further innocence, with a script exploring a hand rendered approach. 'A novel by' was also added into the books cover as this referes back to the original deisgn. 

Following on from the feedback the new typography was then positioned within multiple tree's in order to somewhat frame the text. The colour balance was also altered to a more 'earthy' approach in which relates back to the landscape of Alabama. This natural approach is far more suiting to the book as it allows for a stripped back, minimal design. This design will be taken to the critique along with the others in order to formulate an idea 

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