Friday, 17 February 2017

Shape and Format

To gather a strong perspective shape and format were explored in reference to multiple cultures. As little research could be found upon the area of topic, personal judgment was made in which was formally supported by that of my peers.

When deciding upon the format of the heart it was evident that multiple approaches may be drawn. A realistic heart was deemed to not express love but bodily functioning. It was also stated that this untraditional approach may express danger or death. As a result of this it was decided that a more pastiche style should be taken, in which gathers its iconography from iconic 'love' cards. As a result of this two other heart illustrations were developed, a basic love heart, and that with a arrow through it. When referring back to cultural indifference it became apparent that the arrow approach may not be appropriate as it references cupids arrow. Cupid relates directly back to Greek Mythology and thus may appear offensive to other cultures, especially as cupid is a Greek God. As a result of this the basic symbol of a heart was decided upon. 

Two different camera approaches were explored. Firstly the idea of a camera such as a DLSR was sketched, this being a high quality camera in which produces strong imagery. The general pricing for a camera of such design is often priced at £500 plus, and thus it is fair to suggest that the majority of young people would not be able to afford this camera. In order to tackle this a second drawing was developed showcasing a 35mm camera. Distinctive in style, the 35mm has been around for decades and thus may people have an association towards it. The trend of old film cameras has also become extremely popular amongst young people the past 5 years and thus this may be an effective mechanism at tackling them. 

When researching into the meaning of flowers within different cultures it became apparent that flowers are widely excepted. As a result of this an assortment of flowers may be expressed within the cards design. 

Multiple shapes of balloons were explored alongside that of an 3D approach. As the previous ideas developed were not 3D I felt this unsuiting. As a cut and paste effect is also to be used I believe that a 3D approach would ruin the fast, fun nature of the design, and thus a 'flat' approach must be developed. 

When thinking about the ways in which the cut and paste method may work it was decided that a digital approach should be formulated. This was decided upon due to the messy nature of the normal cut and paste method. I also believe that a strong juxtaposition is then made between the hand rendered illustration and CAD cut effect. The above image dictates how a general cut and paste method feels, expressing a less smooth transition than that of a digital approach 

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