Friday, 17 February 2017

Flowers within religion


Roses are sometimes chosen for use in marriages, along with various palm leaves. Roses have been greatly used for their heavy perfume in Arabic and Muslim culture for a very long time. To this end, rose water is also sprinkled on new graves at the end of the ceremony.

Whole white roses are sometimes used to symbolize virtue. Jasmine is sometimes also used in funerals. Islamic artwork in religious places are usually embellished with many types of flower images and winding floral patterns. Islamic gardens designed for meditation specifically include citrus trees for their pleasant-smelling orange blossoms.

Flowers and leaves from the Henna plant are especially prized for the dark dye that is extracted and used to decorate the skin and hair. Intricate, floral or geometric henna patterns are drawn on the hands and feet of brides before the wedding as a symbol of fertility and good fortune.


In Christian culture, flowers were once linked with decadence and paganism. Since then, ideas about flowers have changed drastically. Passion flowers are primarily used to represent Christ’s suffering and sacrifice and each part of the flower represents a different aspect of the Passion of Christ.

White flowers such as white roses and lilies are used to stand for purity. They are also sometimes used in conjunction with references to the Virgin Mary for her own purity. Red roses in Christianity stand for love or as a sign of Christ’s blood. Church altars are often decorated with bouquets or vases of flowers, especially on significant days such as Easter and Christmas. Flowers play a large role at Christian funerals, baptisms and other special personal events.

Christian brides walk down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers as a token of fertility, while in earlier times it was common for them to wear a wreath or garland of flowers around their heads.


Similarly to Hinduism, Buddhism also reveres the lotus. In this religion, the lotus symbolizes the highest level that man can possibly reach in terms of spiritual elevation. More than divinity and virtue, Buddhists also regard the lotus as a metaphor for knowledge. A lot of Buddhist artwork makes use of lotus flowers to represent Buddha.


  • Roses are tradional in Islamic weddings, and Christian weddings with them frequently expressing love. Red roses are not seen as bad within other cultures
  • The lotus is a favourite within Buddism
  • Flowers are generally excepted as good, as being part of nature. 

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