In reference to the critique it had been decided to complete some designs in which follow the typical '60's' style design. As a result of this further drawings were developed in which focused upon the form of design trends in which may be followed. When looking back at previous research it was evident that penguin book's contained their own niche style of the time and thus this may be somehow incorporated within the design through that of a grid system. It also became apparent through research that patterns were trending throughout the 1960's and thus an approach has been derived in association to this .
The style of the penguin books of the 1960's was explored in order to gain a greater stance of the grid systems in which were used. From this it was discovered that their were both horizontal and vertical approaches at the time. The main typeface used was Gill sans and thus this must remain consiatant throughout my own personal design. Colours must also be considered in order to maintain consiatncy.
The first approach attempted was that in which follows the most famous penguin book layout. The concept expressed follows that of a racial preduice of the time. The circles remble that of the charcaters throughout the novel, with the white dots expressing the white characters, and the black expressing the black characters. The composition has been determined by the individuals within the novel. Clear segregation has been put in place, with few white dots surrounding the black dots. This is to show the protective nature, and unracial bias of the finch family.
Following on from the previous approach a dury based appraoch was devloped in which highlights the key charcater tom, and the biased court in which he faces. Multiple compositions were developed in order to explore the negative space, and to enage the consumer, as well as making an conceptual cover.
The selected cover was that of the lower, centralised composition. This design was selected as my peers suggested that the information was not given initially to the consumer, and that they have to explore the books cover first.
Refering back to the initial drawings, a pattern was developed in which focuses upon the 60's theme. Tree's were used as the basis, again refreing back to the classical cover. The usage of a repeat patten felt far more engaging to myself personally, although I belive this design to lack in conept and thus am unsure whether it may be used for a final cover. This may be discussed further within a critique.
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