Friday 27 January 2017

Who would purchase the book

Primary audience

The target audience for this film is generally adults from 25-40, of an ABC1 demographic. The reasonings behind this demographic being most prominent is that younger adults usually study this book at GCSE and thus are less likely to re-read it in immediate years following. Whereas a 40 plus audience is likely to have already read one of the strongest pieces of literature ever written. The book is for anyone who is interested within cult books, and American history, with key historic themes being expressed.

Secondary audience 

When relating the secondary audience to that of the primary, it is evident that user often re-read books especially that of cult classics, and thus it may be suggested that a second copy is required. As a result of this I propose that the secondary audience for the book is individually who have previously read the book but would like a new, fresh insight after not reading the book for years. Generally speaking the target audience would be 25-60 years.

Tertiary audience 

The tertiary audience for the book is that of individuals in which are self educated and would like to gain a greater stance upon literature/American history. This may be an individual whose education was not strong, but has the determination to learn.

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