Friday 27 January 2017

Research strategies

When referring back to secret 7 last year, Simon mentioned that he often did not listen to the song first, and developed a design based purely upon the songs title in order to develop a more ambiguous approach to that of his competitors. When relating this to the book To kill a mockingbird, it would be naive to suggest that you are able to develop a book without understanding its concepts, although you are able to formulate a book without viewing previous designs. In conjunction to this and the idea that the books generally express iconography trends may be tackled by completing such action. Although wider research must be conducted into that of general book cover design, and covers relating to the genre. General research should be as follows:

  • Genre-Adult Fiction
  • Design that currently appeals to adults
  • Research into the book-plot etc
  • Research into the author
  • Research into the original cover-relating back to the brief 'classic' 
  • Books of a similar genre and their design
  • List of all generic iconography associated with the book. 

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