Thursday 26 January 2017

2nd small brief-which brief

When deciding upon the second small brief to complete, my initial ideas were surrounding that of secret 7, as I have a large interest in the music industry, and would like to express this further within a design piece in which could be suiting to my portfolio, as well as gaining myself an academic stance. As a result of this I waited until January for the briefs to be announced. Unfortunately, it was discovered that secret 7 is not running this year, and thus another brief had to be selected.

As I was unsure upon what may be considered a small brief, the YCN and D&AD briefs were re-read, and it was discussed whether they could be shortened in order to make a smaller brief. Although this was applicable, it was decided that this would leave my deisgn appearing very weak compared to others, who may have treated this as a large brief, and thus it was decided to complete another entry for penguin.

As I was not completely happy with my cold blood design, once comparing it to others within the class, I felt that completing a new design would allow a fresh approach t be developed.

The two briefs left were, to kill a mockingbird and the secret diary of Adrian Mole age 13 3/4.

In order to select a brief key considerations had to be made, including the target audience, amount of submissions per piece and general aesthetic. Some of these considerations have been listed below.

To kill a mockingbird

  • One Of the most popular book's ever written
  • Frequently read at GCSE and thus people will be more likely to select brief
  • Large number of designs already completed for this cover. 
  • Generic mockingbird/blood
  • Already members of the class doing this 

The secret diary of Adrian Mole age 13 3/4.

  • How can I relate this to a modern age?
  • Many young people have read this
  • Would it have to be illustration based? 

Which would I personally prefer to complete?

When thinking specifically about the two books I would suggest that I would prefer to design the cover for To kill a mockingbird, as I believe the genre to be more suiting to my practice than that of Adrian Mole's. I also believe that I would also like to read the book, as I have not previously and thus this may allow me to do so. As a result of this It has been decided to complete this design, although the key considerations above must be outlined. 

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