Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Hannah's branding research

In order to begin the process of designing an identity of Hannah I began to research logos/business cards of a similar format to what Hannah would like to be produced. I variant of approaches were viewed in order to gather a wide range of ideas.

I decided to look at business cards in which specifically promote glitter, a factor in which Hannah was keen to involve within the design. I feel that the above design somewhat overkills the sentiment of using glitter, as the design appears somewhat tacky and unnecessary. If I were to use glitter within the design, it would be used minimally so the approach didn't mimic that of above.  

This foil embossed piece is minimal yet extremely effective. The design explores a feminine approach without using stereotypical gender attributes. The usage of gold refers to high quality work, as well as making the design itself appear expensive.  Foil embossing is also a factor in which the consumers (graphic designers) would appreciate and easily recognise. 

The minimal usage of initials introduces the the designer without overpowering the consumer initially with information. Similar to a book the front should appear impactive and introduce the content, but rather the blurb should display an overview of what is expressed inside. This also applying to that of a business card. 

As Hannah's work often expresses geometric patterns, I felt that it would be important to involve a design in which explores this sentiment. Again gold has been used in order to explore dominance within design practice.  The design has also been debossed, thus making the design not only appear pleasing but also feel that way aswell. 

The combination of Initials in this piece has been expressed through a flowing serif typeface, in which again expresses femininity. The movement within the typeface also expresses an ease, something which in turn embeds the sentiment of the design being for that of a creative individual.  The usage of glitter is minimal, a factor in which I would like to express through my design. I specifically enjoy how only key aspects of the design are expressed through glitter, and thus not overpowering the consumer.

Thinking about Hannah's personal aesthetic one of her tattoo's involves a component of flowers, and thus I researched some designs in which follow a flower based format. Although minimal and straightforward I feel that this design does not express the flowing nature of design in which I feel expresses Hannah as a designer. If I were to develop a similar piece I would likely involve a different shape, that feels less rigid and formal.

The above design explores multiple factors in which I wanted this project to include, geometric patterns, visible relevance to art and also a flowing typeface. The watercolour backdrop expresses creativity, as well as design methods other than C.A.D, a factor in which designers would thrive upon as it is uncommon within branding. This will be a factor in which I explore during the following design stages.

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