One of Etta's highlighted characteristics within the media was that of her humour. As during Beyonce's rendition of 'At last' for the president's first dance she was stated to have made a comical
remark.Something in which the media took by storm. More information may be explored at:
As Etta's response seemed somewhat comical, I decided that an extremely light heart approach may be taken, by a far too literal response of the line, "my hearts wrapped up in clover".
One of my initial ideas exhibited a heart dripping with butter, which would be sketched, then scanned to allow an experimentation with colour to arise. The version would then be sent of digitally. Although somewhat comical this design reminds me of cholesterol, and with the reality of the heart I feel it may be a bit dense to consume lightly, and thus a cartoon approach may be more suiting.
Following the same format I altered the heart into a characterized version, something I felt to be much more effective. Stating this I felt the idea of clover was lost, and that the brand name should somehow be involved within the design.
From this I decided to involve a clover container, and thus embed the sentiment of clover once again. As I wanted to capture aspects of reality within the design I decided to use a variant of mediums, including C.A.D and photography, which allowed the iconic clover container to be resembled iconically.
Multiple colour variations were explored in order to develop a light-hearted design in which is easily identified as a comical response. Although the context behind this piece is minimal, I feel that the judges would appreciate the light hearted humour involved. As I am unsure whether the context behind this piece is strong enough as a final approach, I will develop more approaches before analysing them myself and asking peers for advice within the critique.
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