Saturday 24 September 2016

ideas-mind maps

To begin the summer brief the requirements were firstly addressed to ensure that they are completed. Doing this refers to feedback given within my previous academic year at LCA. Desirables include 26 photographs (one per letter), a descriptive passage for each image taken and also a 5-10 minute presentation. In order to achieve this a concept must firstly be defined.

In order to explore multiple avenues within this project I decided to develop a mind map in order
to visually record my thoughts. Although a broad range of ideas were explored I didn't personally 
gather excitement around any. 

To gather more type specific ideas I looked at where type is most prominent. Uses were also discussed,with transport links being an interesting avenue. I also began to think about the historical aspects of type and how far it has come. 

Using the previous mindmaps to aid me I began to correlate another with more specific ideas. When exploring ideas I chose concepts in which I belive would challenge me intellectually, and allow me a lot of leeway to be creative.  The strongest concepts being: typography in a world of digital type, How the industrial revolution manipulated typography and typography in a lost civilization. 

As I was uncertain about which route to follow, I explored further mindmaps looking at which would allow the most mediums to be present within the images. As this will be my second year within university I really want to explore areas of my interest further, to allow my interests to appear apparent within my future portfolio. Due to this I decided upon the industrial revolution, as I find the historical findings of art engaging, and writing about art within the future is an aspect in which excites me.

To begin this topic area I firstly researched into the prominence of the industrial revolution, and key events in which occurred. Also relevant printing methods were closely looked into. A more specific overview can be explored within the following blogpost.

After looking closely at the relevant research I decided that the location of my project should be Manchester, due to its large connotations to the industrial revolution. It is also recognisable as a city which had a large bloom in population during this period, and is also the home of the spinning jenny.

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