Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Critique of concepts

When discussing the concepts with my peers and Simon it became highly apparent that the cards should not be used as the main influence within the design, as a stationary set is the key focus and thus not the concept behind the cards design. Other key ideas were expressed in which are exhibited below:

  • The 'taboo' concept is strong, but the idea behind gay marriage is that it is no different to heterosexual marriage and thus specific cards should not be developed for such design. 
  • An artistic style may be expressed between the products in order to develop continuity. 
  • A neutral design may be more effective, where the cards can be used for general use. 
  • A style must be consistant throughout in order to link the products. 
  • the design should contain a concept although the style may be extensively researched and experimented with in order to develop this. 
  • It was also suggested that a gay lag pattern could be used, but I believe this to be cliche. 

When discussing the concept of the illness cards it was suggested that the concept would be highly difficult to link with the stationary, and thus this idea should be discontinued, or involved within another aspect of the design. 

From the feedback gathered I am currently unsure upon the ways in which I plan on tackling the brief, and thus a plan must be developed. In order to progress with this further, ideas will be developed in which focus upon aesthetic rather than underpinning concepts, although contexuality should still appear present. 

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