Tuesday 1 May 2018

Brand logo

In order to presnet the website as a brand, a logo was devised.

A range of designs were developed showcasing the ways in which the logo may be formulated. Thicker strokes felt most effective, as they stood out and showcased the bold, independent nature of female creatives.

A variety of type designs were developed with the original name being explored. The variations highlight certain components of the text ensuring that the relevant information stands out. A san serif was used in order to promote a contemporary design trend. 

Due to feedback by fellow peers, the name was changed as they suggested that 'un-edited' would relate more to the desired brand image.  

Heavy typography was explored in order to create impact and showcase the bold, impactful nature of female creatives. The favoured designs explored type over two lines as this appeared the most visually intresting. This also relates to visual design trends in which may be influential to the consumer. 

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